K Saravana Kumar

Hello! Welcome to saravanakumar.org website.
Hi! I am Dr K. Saravana Kumar and currently working as Assistant Professor at Sri S.R.N.M. College Sattur.
As a Materials Scientist, I am interested in Magnetic Materials, Multiferroic Materials, Magneto-dielectric Materials, Dielectric Materials, Perovskite and Double Perovskite Materials. I always feel delighted to be inspired from the Nature for technological developments, and convey the same to my students while I teach as well as when I consider my future research prospects.
Initially, I obtained my Ph.D. degree from Unversity of Madras under the guidance of Prof. C. Venkateswaran (Department of Nuclear Physics) in the field of BiFeO3 Multiferroic Materials. I have the experience of Teaching and Research at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram for about 5 years. Currently, I enjoy teaching Undergraduate Physics and helping them understand the way physics helps in their everday life at Sri S.R.N.M. College, Sattur.
I have been conducting an on-demand Online Hands-on Training Programme on Rietveld Analysis of Powder Diffraction Pattern for people from various walks of research (Postgraduate Students, Research Scholars, Assistant Professors). I am deeply of the opinion that understanding the basic properties of materials thoroughly only will lead to technological applications.
I always love to share information, both scientific and general, which I find interesting. This website is all about interesting information.